Another great way acupuncture can help you through your pregnancy is by settling your stomach and preventing you from experiencing the awful discomfort of morning sickness.
When you are pregnant you can’t afford to spend the majority of your day hunched over a toilet and nor should you. It is rough on your body, frustrating and time consuming. It is also not a good way for you to maintain the necessary nutrients that your system needs to absorb during your pregnancy.
Acupuncture is a proven method for preventing nausea and other stomach issues regardless of the root cause. Regular acupuncture treatments will keep your stomach settled and your digestive tract working properly. It is also great for relieving hypersensitivity to unappealing smells, which is usually what triggers bouts of morning sickness.
Your acupuncturist may also use acupressure to help relieve your stomach troubles. Applying pressure on a specific point in your wrist or just below your knee can calm your nausea and prevent you from vomiting. Your acupuncturist will advise specific breathing techniques during the procedure to create the optimal results. This is a great alternative if the needles are the reason why you are hesitant to try acupuncture.
Pregnancy is already a pretty scary time that is filled with many physical and emotional changes. Your body is creating another human being and all of its energy is being focused on developing the growing the fetus. The natural adjustments that your body needs to make in order to care for your child can cause many internal and external deficiencies.
Since your body’s main focus is on the needs of your unborn child, it is inadvertently neglecting its own needs, which can end up throwing your qi completely off balance. These deficiencies manifest in various discomforts and inconveniences that you cannot afford to deal with during your pregnancy. Acupuncture can rebalance your qi and make the entire experience more enjoyable.
Acupuncture treatment is recommended at least once a month during your pregnancy to ensure your optimal health, as well as the health and wellbeing of the developing fetus. It is especially important during the second and third trimesters since these are crucial stages of growth and development for your unborn child. There is no risk with acupuncture no matter how far along you are in your pregnancy.
During pregnancy your body is being drained of energy at a faster rate than normal, so that it can support the increasing demands of your unborn child. You are giving the majority of your nutrients to your unborn baby, which will inevitably leave you feeling exhausted and weak. It is important that you use acupuncture to replenish your body’s energy and to ensure that you are getting the most from your digestive system.
Acupuncture has also been proven to help women combat the physical and mental exhaustion that comes with being pregnant by giving you more energy. Heartburn, constipation and hemorrhoids are other common issues with pregnancy that stem from imbalances within your body. Acupuncture will realign your body’s natural chemistry and in the process it will help clear up indigestion, bowel trouble, heartburn, hemorrhoids and all those other ‘fun’ side effects of having a baby.
Acupuncture is also an effective treatment for the many emotional symptoms that naturally occur when you are an expectant mother. There is so much going on when you are pregnant, so much that needs to be done and so much to worry about that your normal enthusiasm starts to fade and it becomes harder to maintain a positive attitude. It is very common and perfectly natural to feel that way during pregnancy.
Luckily, unblocking your qi and improving your internal energy flow are also successful ways for you to treat any anxiety, stress and tension that may plague you during your pregnancy. Acupuncture has been proven to release endorphins and other pain relieving chemicals when the needles are inserts in specific points along your internal meridian. The release of endorphins in your blood stream are guaranteed to improve your mood and help keep you calm and focused on all of the necessary planning that comes with having a baby. Those tiny stainless steel needles will wake up your senses and make you feel better inside and out.
Acupuncture will guide you through your pregnancy from conception, to every ache and pain that may follow. It will make delivery easier to predict and it will continue to benefit you even after your child is born. By making use of acupuncture and its powers, you can focus on the joy of bringing a new life into the world instead of the physical, mental and emotional struggles that can accompany it.
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