If you are suffering with Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), you likely experience some or most of the following symptoms:
Hirsutism refers to the
excessive growth of facial, chest, and back hair. Androgens are normally
present in both men and women, but men have much higher levels of biologically
active androgens. Excess facial and body hair in women is usually the result of
excess androgens, which is common in women with PCOS.
Infertility is one of the most
devastating symptoms of PCOS. It can crush a woman’s dream of becoming a mother
and PCOS is one of the leading causes infertility. A lack of ovulation is a key
symptom of PCOS and one of the causes of infertility.
Menstrual Periods
Women with PCOS produce excess
testosterone, which disrupts the menstrual cycle. Many women with PCOS often
have fewer than nine periods a year, while others have no periods at all.
Male pattern hair loss due to
the effects of male hormones (androgens) is called androgenic alopecia and is
common in women with PCOS. Male-pattern hair loss is a major source of
psychological distress for women with PCOS.
Mild to Severe
If troublesome acne blemishes
are plaguing you long after your teen years, your PCOS may be at fault. PCOS
increases testosterone levels in women. According to Geoffrey Redmond, MD, a
New York endocrinologist specializing in female hormone disorders, the oil
glands are the most testosterone-sensitive tissue in our bodies. He says,
“Acne is caused by an excess of oil production, which in turn is caused by the
action of testosterone.” Women with PCOS have higher levels of testosterone in
their bodies. PCOS-related acne tends to flare in hormone sensitive areas
such as the cheeks, jaw, and chin.
Ovarian Cysts
Cysts are fluid-filled sacs
that can form in a woman's ovaries. Although ovarian cysts are not a
prerequisite for a PCOS diagnosis, they are often indicative that the condition
is present.
Functional cysts are very common
in women of childbearing age. They form during ovulation, when either the egg
is not released or the follicle in which the egg forms does not dissolve after
the egg is released. Functional cysts are usually harmless, don't cause any
symptoms, and tend to go away on their own. Other types of cysts such as
Dermoid cysts, Cystadenomas, and Endometriomas may increase the chances of
ovarian twisting and other complications.
Women with PCOS often have to
deal with a variety of sleep conditions, including insomnia and obstructive
sleep apnea. Insomnia can take many forms, from difficulty falling asleep to
the inability to stay asleep.
Sleep apnea poses a more
serious health threat because it causes women to stop breathing while they
sleep. Women with PCOS are at a much greater risk of suffering from sleep apnea
than the general population. Sleep apnea may be a result of the weight gain and
hormonal imbalance associated with PCOS.
Weight Gain and
Excess body weight is a very
common symptom for women with PCOS. The difficulty losing weight is a struggle
they face on a daily basis. Obesity is not only a symptom of PCOS, but it also
exacerbates it, making the condition more difficult to live with and with more
serious health complications.
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