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Acupuncture For Back Pain During Pregnancy

Many expectant mothers experience moderate to severe lower back pain during pregnancy due to the excess weight and strain on their vertebrae. 
In fact, low back pain actually affects up to seventy-five percent of all pregnant women during the time between their sixth and ninth months of pregnancy.  Symptoms are usually worse in the evening and they can often affect your sleep, which is so vital during pregnancy.  Back pain when you are pregnant can be uncomfortable and debilitating.  It can also affect the mother’s ability to handle routine tasks or the major challenge of preparing everything in their home for the new arrival. 

Luckily, you don’t have to endure the pain!  Acupuncture has always been known as one of the fastest and most effective ways to relieve back pain and to realign your vertebrae in order to reduce your discomfort.  When your practitioner treats your back pain they will insert the needles at the site of pain and in distal areas that are connected internally to the area where you are experiencing pain. Distal points are very important, especially when treating acute pain.  Needles will often be placed in areas besides your back, which will send pulses through your body into the source of the pain.  This powerful stimulation will produce endorphins which will provide immediate pain relief. 

There are also many local points on the back and often a practitioner will assess your body to find the most sensitive spots.  Regular treatment can also help prevent your back issues from returning.  Acupuncture will also help make sure that you get a good night sleep which in turn will help relax your back muscles and reduce the tension that is causing your pain.  If you suffer from back pain during your pregnancy, acupuncture is one of the most common and effective methods for relief.  
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