Breastfeeding is a magical and, some would say, essential bonding experience between mother and child. A mother’s breast milk provides superior nutrition and is meant to be shared with your baby to strengthen the physical and emotional connection.
It also should be readily available and easy to produce after your child is born. If you are struggling to produce enough milk to handle your baby’s growing needs, then acupuncture is the answer.
Acupuncture has been proven to help release and increase the flow of milk, as well as reduce the soreness in your nipples during breastfeeding. The needles are inserted just under the skin in specific spots in your hands and feet which in return stimulates milk production and removes any blockages within the mother’s breast. The natural increase in milk flow will make it easier for your child to successfully feed.
Producing milk is a natural occurrence in a woman’s breast after pregnancy and it shouldn’t be a difficult challenge. Acupuncture will tap into your hormones and give them a wake up call, so that your body can produce the milk that your baby needs to grow. Don’t allow issues trying to breastfeed cause you trouble or concern when acupuncture can provide a simple and effective solution.
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